LeftWords Festival of Books and Ideas
November 24, 2013 - 11:30am The LeftWords Festival of Books and Ideas is a free public event that celebrates and promotes the work of Canadian and international writers and thinkers. The LeftWords...
View ArticleA glimpse into women's history in the Soviet Union
Liz Rowley speaks about women's issues in connection with the socialist revolution taking root in the 19th century in the Soviet Union.--------------------------------migrantmatters@riseup.netLiz...
View ArticleThe myth of the leftist, feminist, anti-racist, elitist
In an act of what has to be acknowledged as tremendous, though in some respects entirely typical, rich famous male hubris, Joss Whedon, of comic book and Buffy the Vampire Slayer note, recently gave a...
View ArticleBook Launch - Confronting Injustice: Social Activism in the Age of Individualism
Sat, Feb 1, 2014 This event will feature a reading and talk by the author and a member of Jane Finch Action Against Poverty, as well a discussion among those in attendance about the topics touched on...
View Article'Profiting Without Producing' stands to restrain finance and fight for socialism
February 20, 2014Economics professor Costas Lapavitsas' new bookProfiting Without Producing: How Finance Exploits Us All, delving into the elusive world of finance, that place where fortunes are made...
View ArticleForum: Irvin Jim, General Secretary of NUMSA
Thu, Mar 6, 2014 Come and hear NUMSA's General Secretary, Irvin Jim, on "New Working Class Leadership and the Prospects for Socialist Politics in South Africa." Come and hear NUMSA's General Secretary,...
View ArticleThe Tommy Douglas Institute: Igniting a commitment to social justice
Wednesday, March 19, 2014"My dream is for people around the world to look up and to see Canada like a little jewel sitting at the top of the continent."- Tommy Douglas, 1951 In a time when the Harper...
View ArticleBringing red and green together: The Vancouver Ecosocialist Group
On this week's episode of Talking Radical Radio, Roger Annis talks about the Vancouver Ecosocialist Group and their commitment to the idea that thinking deeply about how capitalism works must be...
View ArticleNo, I will not stop having 'feelings' about women’s lives and human rights
I refuse to believe that sociopathy is a good thing for feminism. Yet this is exactly the position we are being told to take on the sex industry.A recent article about Melissa Gira Grant’s new book,...
View ArticleEpisode 155 - The more we get together: Talking intersectionality in activism
(1:44 - 12:22) Intersectionality. It’s a big word, and it has to be, because it is the idea that we can unite our social justice struggles, that it is impossible and unwise to separating them into...
View ArticleEurope disenchanted: After the European Parliament elections
Tuesday, June 3, 2014Please support our coverage of democratic movements and become a monthly supporter of rabble.ca.The great French poet Victor Hugo speaking to an international peace conference in...
View ArticleThe problem with right-wing populism
Friday, June 6, 2014Please help rabble.ca stop Harper's election fraud plan. Become a monthly supporter.When Andrea Horwath is called a right-wing populist (by me, among others), I'd like to clarify...
View ArticleOn the environmental question, Sam Gindin has got it wrong.
Sam Gindin's recent contributions to the The Bullet and Jacobin explore the lost potential of the working class in revolutionary politics. On the economic and ecological fronts, he argues,...
View ArticleIf Only… a response to Brad Hornick
Please support our coverage of democratic movements and become a monthly supporter of rabble.ca.Editor's note: On July 3, rabble.ca blogger Brad Hornick wrote a post: On the environmental question, Sam...
View ArticlePerpetuating hegemony: How the left collaborates in its own defeat
"Our state apparatus is so deplorable, not to say wretched, that we must first think very carefully how to combat its defects, bearing in mind that these defects are rooted in the past, which, although...
View Article'Responsible Capitalism' makes no sense: The Left must offer a real alternative
Thursday, August 21, 2014 We need to abandon the idea of "responsible capitalism." It sounds clunky and doesn't resonate with voters, because it is a contradiction in terms, says Leo Panitch. Ed...
View ArticleFrom war to revolution: How do we survive?
September 18, 2014Noam Chomsky crossed with Thomas Merton and Thomas Pynchon with a little politics mixed in for good measure? Count us in!In short novel Angels of the Revolution by J.W. Horton,...
View Article'You have to be audacious': Kshama Sawant tells Vancouver's Left how to win
Earlier this week on Twitter, NPA city councillor George Affleck ripped into Gregor Robertson for being good looking. Sadly, the level of political debate in Vancouver doesn't have much more to offer...
View ArticleKshama Sawant on why Seattle voters elected a socialist
rey-2014-11-05a.mp3Socialist Kshama Sawant ran for a seat on city council in Seattle with a campaign promise to introduce a minimum wage of $15, more than double the federal rate. She spoke Sept. 27 at...
View Article'Journey of an Unrepentant Socialist' with Brewster Kneen
Thu, Jan 22, 2015 Come join Brewster Kneen and his family and friends for an evening of celebration for his new book, his journey of an unrepentant socialist. Brewster Kneen is well known as a leading...
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